Saturday, 16 June 2012

Neuroscience meets improv on TEDxMidAtlantic.

I particularly like the Future Questions slide:
What is creative genius?
Why does the brain seek creativity?
How do we acquire creativity?
What factors disrupt creativity?
Can creative behavior be learned?
My questions are:
What is virtuosity?
Why to we learn dance and music by copying rather than creating?
Why are dancers and musicians not encouraged or trained to become composers earlier, if ever?
Why do some people take improvisors less seriously as performing artists?

1 comment:

  1. This book is kind of a classic in this field:Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience. by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
    Basically he says that it takes a very long time to learn a skill, after which it becomes improvise-able and the do-er reaches a state of what he calls flow. This can be something like driving a car, in which you no longer have to think about what you are doing, or an artistic or physical skill. This goes along with Malcom Gladwell's 10,000 hours rule (
    So while I agree that people should be creating from early stages in artistic modes and not just mirroring what others do, it seems to be a very powerful learning method. What our society then does with it aesthetically is a whole other issue in a way...
    thanks for the link!
